Upcoming Course: Pelvic Portal Healing & Empowerment for Trans and Queer Folks

Y’all!!! I am so excited for this upcoming course that I’ll be offering through Positive Force Movement that I had to share it here, too! Please contact me if you have any questions about this opportunity to learn, share, and heal.


A series of facilitated conversations about mind, body, heart, and spirit with Lore. Register at https://www.positiveforcemovement.org/groupmovement (see below for sliding scale options).

Everyone deserves to have safe spaces to learn about and discuss their experiences with their pelvic portals... and, more than that, to discover the source of personal power and ancestral wisdom that can be discovered when we heal and honor our connection to our pelvic portal.


Unfortunately, just about every space where these discussions take place are centered around the experiences and vocabulary of cisgender women, and all too many of them center heteronormativity. This results in a situation where people who have had to navigate gender dysphoria, trauma, and physical and sexual shame are denied the valuable opportunities to heal and empower their FULL physical selves that are offered to cishet women.

This series of four facilitated discussions will be trauma-informed and will utilize gender-expansive language. Anyone who is queer and/or trans and who identifies with the idea of having a pelvic portal currently or at any previous point in their lives may join, regardless of the topography of their pelvic area. If you are not queer and/or trans, this series is not for you.

Each week will be based around one of the dimensions of the human experience: the mind, the body, the heart/emotions, and the spirit. There will be ample opportunities for people to share, ask questions, or just sit back and listen.

This course is offered on a sliding scale based on the honor system. If you need to take advantage of the sliding scale, you can click "Pay Later" when you register, then submit your payment through either Venmo (@lore-mcspadden) or PayPal (positiveforcestrength@gmail.com).

What is a pelvic portal, and do I have one?

"Pelvic portal" is a gender-expansive way to refer to what is more commonly (and cissexistly) referred to as a vulva, vagina, pussy, cunt, or clit; obviously, the words chosen depend upon the specific part of the body being discussed and the words that a person has or has not reclaimed.

Trans men may relate to having the physical topography of a pelvic portal (currently or previously), but not to the words that have been used to describe it. Trans women may relate to the words used to describe the pelvic portal and have a direct lived experience of having a portal, whether or not their physical topography is consistent with their true selves. Queer women may resonate with both having a portal and with the words used to describe them, or they may not. Nonbinary people may have a relationship to and vocabulary for their portals that resonate with any of the above experiences, or that are entirely personal and unique.

In fact, folks in all of the above groups will likely have a unique relationship to their understanding of their portals that is oversimplified in any of the above descriptions. All of these experiences are welcome in these discussions! If you relate to the idea of currently or previously having a portal and are queer and/or trans, join us!


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